Import Transformer

By using Import Transformer, you can import almost anything into Datasaur. Currently, we only accept files with .csv, .txt, and .json extension.

Your new import transformer will have this template:

 * This function should be written as this template and correctly implements ImportFunction interface.
(fileContent: string): SimpleDocument => {
  /// Implement import function here
  return {
    cells: [],
    labels: [],

The Import Transformer is a function that takes the fileContent in string, parsed using UTF-8 encoding, and return a SimpleDocument that is understood by Datasaur.

SimpleDocument is an object representation of a Document in Datasaur. It is a combined type that support token-based labeling and row-based labeling. Below is the structure of SimpleDocument:

  • cells: an array of cells. Datasaur's document is stored in tabular structure. The cell represents a single cell in a table. For token-based projects, we only support a single column table at this moment. Each row/line of the document must have the same number of columns.

    • line: A zero-based number indicating the row

    • index: A zero-based number indicating the column.

      For token-based projects, this value can only be set to 0.

    • content: The original content of a cell

    • tokens: A tokenized version of the content. This field is only used For token-based project only.

    • metadata: an optional array of key-value data to be stored per cell.

      • key: The name of the metadata in string

      • value: The value of the metadata in string.

      • type: An optional field indicating the type of the value in MIME type.

        • Default: text/plain

        • Supported type:

          • text/plain: standard metadata as a plain text.

          • text/html: to display metadata in HTML.

          • image/*: to display metadata as an image. The supported image format will depend on the browser support.

          • audio/*: to display metadata as an audio player. The supported audio format will depend on the browser support.

      • pinned: Boolean value indicating whether the metadata should be displayed at the top of each cell. Non pinned metadata can be seen through Metadata Extension.

      • config: A customized configuration specifically for text/plain

        • color: Determine the text color of the metadata in string. Accepts any HTML color codes and names.

        • backgroundColor: Determine the background color of the metadata in string. Accepts any HTML color codes and names.

        • borderColor: Determine the background color of the metadata in string. Accepts any HTML color codes and names.

  • labels: an array of labels

    • common fields

      • id: a unique number to identify the label. To be referred by the arrow labels.

      • startCellLine: starting line position

      • startCellIndex: starting line column position

      • startTokenIndex: starting token index position, relative to cell

      • startCharIndex: starting character index position relative to token

      • endCellLine: ending line sentence position

      • endCellIndex: ending line column position

      • endTokenIndex: ending token index position, relative to cell

      • endCharIndex: ending character index position, relative to token

      • type: type of the labels. Accept one of these values: "SPAN", "ARROW", "BOUNDING_BOX", "TIMESTAMP"

    • specific fields by its type:

      • "SPAN" or "ARROW"

        • labelSetIndex: replaces layer. Configures how the labelset items are grouped

        • labelName: replaces labelSetItemId. The text provided here will be displayed in web UI

      • "ARROW"

        • originId: id of a span label as the arrow's origin.

        • destinationId: id of a span label as the arrow's destination.

      • "BOUNDING_BOX"

        • pageIndex: page information for multiple page files, such as PDF and TIFF. Set field to 0 for common image formats, such as JPG, PNG, BMP, etc.

        • nodeCount: number of nodes, this is used for future support for polygons. Only support 4 nodes in rectangular shape for now.

        • x0: the first node's x value in screen coordinate system.

        • y0: the first node's y value in screen coordinate system.

        • x1: the second node's x value in screen coordinate system.

        • y1: the second node's y value in screen coordinate system.

        • x2: the third node's x value in screen coordinate system.

        • y2: the third node's y value in screen coordinate system.

        • x3: the fourth node's x value in screen coordinate system.

        • y3: the fourth node's y value in screen coordinate system.

      • "TIMESTAMP"

        • startTimestampMillis: the starting timestamp in millisecond.

        • endTimestampMillis: the ending timestamp in millisecond.

Sample Case

We want to label a subtitle file in .srt format and show the timestamp as metadata. The file transformer will be shown below.

 * This function should be written as this template and correctly implements ImportFunction interface.
(fileContent: string): SimpleDocument => {
    /// Implement import function here
    const lines = fileContent.split('\r\n\r\n');
    let currLine: number = 0;
    const cells: Cell[] = [];
    lines.forEach((line) => {
      const [, timestamp, ...subtitles] = line.split('\r\n');
      subtitles.forEach((subtitle) => {
          index: 0,
          line: currLine,
          content: subtitle,
          tokens: subtitle.split(' '),
          metadata: [
            {key: "timestamp", value: timestamp, pinned: true, config: { color: "#3399cc", backgroundColor: "", borderColor: "#cc3399"}}
        currLine += 1;

    const labels: SpanAndArrowLabel[] = [];
    let labelId = 0;

    // Label the first two tokens on the second line as "Example label"
    const secondTokenOnSecondLine = cells[1].tokens[1];
      id: ++labelId,
      type: "SPAN",
      startCellLine: 1,
      startCellIndex: 0,
      startTokenIndex: 0,
      startCharIndex: 0,
      endCellLine: 1,
      endCellIndex: 0,
      endTokenIndex: 1,
      endCharIndex: secondTokenOnSecondLine.length - 1,
      labelSetIndex: 0,
      labelName: "Example label"

    // Label each occurence of "Sherlock" as "Person's name".
    const sherlock = "sherlock";
    cells.forEach(cell => {
      cell.tokens.forEach((token, tokenIndex) => {
        if (token.toLowerCase() === sherlock) {
            id: ++labelId, 
            type: "SPAN",
            startCellLine: cell.line,
            startCellIndex: cell.index,
            startTokenIndex: tokenIndex,
            startCharIndex: 0,
            endCellLine: cell.line,
            endCellIndex: cell.index,
            endTokenIndex: tokenIndex,
            endCharIndex: token.length - 1,
            labelSetIndex: 0,
            labelName: "Person's name",

    return {

Let's try this out!

The first step is, you have to rename the file by adding .txt. You can use the following sample file.

Click File Transformer, then copy and paste the script above.

After uploading the file, choose the Subtitle script on the Import File Transformer dropdown. Finish the project creation and launch the project.

Your project is ready!


  • You need to add Metadata extension to the project.

  • If you want to the metadata is readable in the text editor, set pinned: true.

  • Use HTML code color for text color, border color, and background color.

If you have any questions, please reach out to

Last updated