Custom ASR
Last updated
Last updated
Custom ASR enables users to integrate and test their own Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) APIs with Datasaur projects. To enable this feature in your workspace, contact us at
Open the provided CodeSandbox example API here.
To test this code, you can also create a live endpoint using
Save any changes to the codebase to automatically create a fork for further testing and modifications.
Copy the base URL of the API from the CodeSandbox preview panel (on the right-hand side). In addition, you may need to ensure the panel is expanded if it’s collapsed.
In the sample API that we provided, you can use the following endpoints based on your needs:
(returns plain text transcription).
(returns Importable JSON transcription).
Go to the Active Projects page and click “Create Project".
In Step 1: Upload, upload your image/PDF (for OCR) or audio file (for ASR) and click Next.
In Step 2: Preview, click the dropdown labeled “Apply ASR Method” (or “Apply OCR Method” for images/PDFs).
Select “+ Add New API…” to open a dialog box.
Fill in the fields:
Name: Desired name for the API.
Custom API URL: Paste one of the two endpoints from our sample API.
Secret: Add any placeholder value (this can be ignored for now).
Click Save to add and select the API.
Review the sample transcription on the right panel.
Once the API is added, complete the remaining project configuration steps to create the project and use the transcription results.
Accepted file formats
.wav, .mp3, .m4a
Maximum individual file size
25 MB
Request limit (Azure)
100 RPM
Request timeout
10 minutes
Maximum API call retries
2 retries on request errors (e.g., rate limit reached, timeout).
Accepted file formats
.flac, .m4a, .mp3, .wav
Maximum individual file size
130 MB
Maximum audio duration
14.400 seconds