Apply Project Tags

How It Works

$ npm run start -- apply-tags -h
Usage: robosaur apply-tags [options] <configFile>

Applies tags to projects based on the given config file

  -h, --help  display help for command
  • Robosaur will try to apply tags to projects specified in the config file's payload, or from a separate CSV file. The CSV file can be located on your local drive or one of our supported cloud object storage.

  • If the tag in the config file is not present in the team, Robosaur will create the tag and apply it to the project automatically.

  • The behavior will be depended by the applyTags attribute on the configuration file.


JSON Format

  "applyTags": {
    "teamId": "<TEAM_ID>",
    "source": "inline",
    "payload": [
        "projectId": "<PROJECT_ID_1>",
        "tags": ["<TAG_1>", "<TAG_2>"]
        "projectId": "<PROJECT_ID_2>",
        "tags": ["<TAG_3>"]

CSV Format

Can works for all object storage methods. Robosaur will tag a project with multiple tags if there are multiple tags present in the tags column in the csv file. Please use a comma [,] as a delimiter to apply multiple tags for a project.


Object Storage

Same as any other features, it could support multiple methods, e.g. inline, local filesystem, and cloud object storage. For more detailed information, please refer to this page.

Using Local File Example

  "applyTags": {
    "teamId": "<TEAM_ID>",
    "source": "local",
    "path": "<path/to/csv/file>"

Using Cloud Object Storage Example

  "credentials": {
  "applyTags": {
    "teamId": "<TEAM_ID>",
    "source": "s3 | gcs | azure",
    "bucketName": "<BUCKET_NAME>",
    "path": "<path/to/csv/file/on/bucket>",

Last updated