NLTK POS-tagging is done with english nltk.pos_tag which internally uses nltk.PerceptronTagger.

Greedy Averaged Perceptron tagger, as implemented by Matthew Honnibal. See more implementation details here:>


Quoted from

An off-the-shelf tagger is available for English. It uses the Penn Treebank tagset:

UPenn Treebank Tagset



NLTK Treebank


dollar e.g. $, -$, --$, A$, C$, HK$, M$, NZ$, S$, U.S.$, US$


closing quotation mark e.g. ', ''


opening parenthesis e.g. (, [, {


comma e.g. ,


dash e.g. --


sentence terminator e.g. ., !, ?


colon or ellipsis e.g. :, ;, ...


opening quotation mark e.g. `, ``

Treebank Tagset



conjunction, coordinating e.g. &, 'n, and, both, but, either, et, for, less, minus, neither, nor, or, plus, so, therefore, times, v., versus, vs., whether, yet


numeral, cardinal e.g. mid-1890, nine-thirty, forty-two, one-tenth, ten, million, 0.5, one, forty-, seven, 1987, twenty, '79, zero, two, 78-degrees, eighty-four, IX, '60s, .025, fifteen, 271,124, dozen, quintillion, DM2,000, ...


determiner e.g. all, an, another, any, both, del, each, either, every, half, la, many, much, nary, neither, no, some, such, that, the, them, these, this, those


existential there e.g. there


foreign word e.g. gemeinschaft, hund, ich, jeux, habeas, Haementeria, Herr, K'ang-si, vous, lutihaw, alai, je, jour, objets, salutaris, fille, quibusdam, pas, trop, Monte, terram, fiche, oui, corporis, ...


preposition or conjunction, subordinating e.g. astride, among, uppon, whether, out, inside, pro, despite, on, by, throughout, below, within, for, towards, near, behind, atop, around, if, like, until, below, next, into, if, beside, ...


adjective or numeral, ordinal e.g. third, ill-mannered, pre-war, regrettable, oiled, calamitous, first, separable, ectoplasmic, battery-powered, participatory, fourth, still-to-be-named, multilingual, multi-disciplinary, ...


adjective, comparative e.g. bleaker, braver, breezier, briefer, brighter, brisker, broader, bumper, busier, calmer, cheaper, choosier, cleaner, clearer, closer, colder, commoner, costlier, cozier, creamier, crunchier, cuter, ...


adjective, superlative e.g. calmest, cheapest, choicest, classiest, cleanest, clearest, closest, commonest, corniest, costliest, crassest, creepiest, crudest, cutest, darkest, deadliest, dearest, deepest, densest, dinkiest, ...


list item marker e.g. A, A., B, B., C, C., D, E, F, First, G, H, I, J, K, One, SP-44001, SP-44002, SP-44005, SP-44007, Second, Third, Three, Two, *, a, b, c, d, first, five, four, one, six, three, two


modal auxiliary e.g. can, cannot, could, couldn't, dare, may, might, must, need, ought, shall, should, shouldn't, will, would


noun, common, singular or mass e.g. common-carrier, cabbage, knuckle-duster, Casino, afghan, shed, thermostat, investment, slide, humour, falloff, slick, wind, hyena, override, subhumanity, machinist, ...


noun, proper, singular e.g. Motown, Venneboerger, Czestochwa, Ranzer, Conchita, Trumplane, Christos, Oceanside, Escobar, Kreisler, Sawyer, Cougar, Yvette, Ervin, ODI, Darryl, CTCA, Shannon, A.K.C., Meltex, Liverpool, ...


noun, proper, plural e.g. Americans, Americas, Amharas, Amityvilles, Amusements, Anarcho-Syndicalists, Andalusians, Andes, Andruses, Angels, Animals, Anthony, Antilles, Antiques, Apache, Apaches, Apocrypha, ...


noun, common, plural e.g. undergraduates, scotches, bric-a-brac, products, bodyguards, facets, coasts, divestitures, storehouses, designs, clubs, fragrances, averages, subjectivists, apprehensions, muses, factory-jobs, ...


pre-determiner e.g. all, both, half, many, quite, such, sure, this


genitive marker e.g. ', 's


pronoun, personal e.g. hers, herself, him, himself, hisself, it, itself, me, myself, one, oneself, ours, ourselves, ownself, self, she, thee, theirs, them, themselves, they, thou, thy, us


pronoun, possessive e.g. her, his, mine, my, our, ours, their, thy, your


adverb e.g. occasionally, unabatingly, maddeningly, adventurously, professedly, stirringly, prominently, technologically, magisterially, predominately, swiftly, fiscally, pitilessly, ...


adverb, comparative e.g. further, gloomier, grander, graver, greater, grimmer, harder, harsher, healthier, heavier, higher, however, larger, later, leaner, lengthier, less-, perfectly, lesser, lonelier, longer, louder, lower, more, ...


adverb, superlative e.g. best, biggest, bluntest, earliest, farthest, first, furthest, hardest, heartiest, highest, largest, least, less, most, nearest, second, tightest, worst


adverb, superlative e.g. best, biggest, bluntest, earliest, farthest, first, furthest, hardest, heartiest, highest, largest, least, less, most, nearest, second, tightest, worst


particle e.g. aboard, about, across, along, apart, around, aside, at, away, back, before, behind, by, crop, down, ever, fast, for, forth, from, go, high, i.e., in, into, just, later, low, more, off, on, open, out, over, per, pie, raising, start, teeth, that, through, under, unto, up, up-pp, upon, whole, with, you


particle e.g. aboard, about, across, along, apart, around, aside, at, away, back, before, behind, by, crop, down, ever, fast, for, forth, from, go, high, i.e., in, into, just, later, low, more, off, on, open, out, over, per, pie, raising, start, teeth, that, through, under, unto, up, up-pp, upon, whole, with, you


symbol e.g. %, &, ', '', ''., ), )., *, +, ,., <, =, >, @, A[fj], U.S, U.S.S.R, *, **, ***


"to" as preposition or infinitive marker e.g. to


interjection e.g. Goodbye, Goody, Gosh, Wow, Jeepers, Jee-sus, Hubba, Hey, Kee-reist, Oops, amen, huh, howdy, uh, dammit, whammo, shucks, heck, anyways, whodunnit, honey, golly, man, baby, diddle, hush, sonuvabitch, ...


verb, base form e.g. ask, assemble, assess, assign, assume, atone, attention, avoid, bake, balkanize, bank, begin, behold, believe, bend, benefit, bevel, beware, bless, boil, bomb, boost, brace, break, bring, broil, brush, build, ...


verb, base form e.g. ask, assemble, assess, assign, assume, atone, attention, avoid, bake, balkanize, bank, begin, behold, believe, bend, benefit, bevel, beware, bless, boil, bomb, boost, brace, break, bring, broil, brush, build, ...


verb, present participle or gerund e.g. telegraphing, stirring, focusing, angering, judging, stalling, lactating, hankerin', alleging, veering, capping, approaching, traveling, besieging, encrypting, interrupting, erasing, wincing, ...


verb, past participle e.g. multihulled, dilapidated, aerosolized, chaired, languished, panelized, used, experimented, flourished, imitated, reunifed, factored, condensed, sheared, unsettled, primed, dubbed, desired, ...


verb, present tense, not 3rd person singular e.g. predominate, wrap, resort, sue, twist, spill, cure, lengthen, brush, terminate, appear, tend, stray, glisten, obtain, comprise, detest, tease, attract, emphasize, mold, postpone, sever, return, wag, ...


verb, present tense, 3rd person singular e.g. bases, reconstructs, marks, mixes, displeases, seals, carps, weaves, snatches, slumps, stretches, authorizes, smolders, pictures, emerges, stockpiles, seduces, fizzes, uses, bolsters, slaps, speaks, pleads, ...


WH-determiner e.g. that, what, whatever, which, whichever


WH-determiner e.g. that, what, whatever, which, whichever


WH-pronoun, possessive e.g. whose


WH-adverb e.g. how, however, whence, whenever, where, whereby, whereever, wherein, whereof, why


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