August 10, 2023
What's new 💡
Add a Cumulative Time Spent chart, which shows the total time spent by both labelers and reviewers each day working on projects, calculated when opening the Datasaur project page as the current active tab of the browser.
Experience a rejuvenated look on the Analytics Overview page, complete with the addition of tabs to easily navigate between the Overview data and the Inter-Annotator Agreement (now thoughtfully relocated from the sidebar).
Introduce the Remaining Files chart, categorized by project status to empower you to easily assess pending tasks across different projects.
Now, we will no longer support Visualization (pdf) as an export format.
Renaming JSON Deprecated to JSON Simplified for better clarity.
Unify previously segmented table data from the Overview page into the Projects page, providing a holistic snapshot of project progress. You can now delve into individual Labeler progress by simply hovering over their icon within the Project table.
We have enhanced the page navigation capability in row labeling projects, making it easier to move between pages.
We have enhanced the row labeling capability by adding the option to filter rows based on unreviewed and reviewed answers.
Bug fixes 🐞
Fixed a bug that was causing issues with the discard draft capability during the second attempt.
Fixed a bug that was preventing the discard capability from working properly for the Radio question type.
Fixed a bug in the Project Creation Wizard where the Dropdown options in the question set preview were not being displayed.
Fixed a bug that allowed users to edit and save question sets with duplicated question set names.
Fixed an issue where labels were being cropped at the top of the page/image.
Last updated