Split Document

How It Works

$ npm run start -- split-document -h
Usage: robosaur split-document [options] <configFile>

Split document into multiple projects

  -h, --help  display help for command
  • Robosaur can split a file based on the configuration. The split mechanism could state how many lines per file (linesPerFile) and how many files per folder (filesPerFolder).

  • Specifically for this command, datasaur and projectState attributes won't be needed on the configuration since there is no API call, that's why the explanation below only consist of splitDocument attribute.


  "splitDocument": {
    "path": "<path-to-a-file-that-will-be-split>",
    "header": true,
    "linesPerFile": 100,
    "filesPerFolder": 10,
    "resultFolder": "<path-to-all-split-files-result>"


Specify the file location that will be split. Currently, Robosaur can only process a file that is located on your device.

Result Folder

The result of split files will be placed to this folder. Currently, Robosaur can only put the result files on a folder that is located on your device. The result will be compatible with project creation input. The result folder will be created if it doesn't exist and will be emptied if it already exists.

Whether the CSV file has a header or not.

Files Per Folder

The reason for this attribute is to make the split result compatible with project creation command as the input so that you can combine these two commands. Each folder inside the result will be treated as a project and each files inside every folder will be treated as the documents.

Lines Per File

The number of lines each file will have before Robosaur creates another split file.

Last updated