Custom Report Builder

Make your own report by a Group Table, followed by Metrics and Segments

You can make a customized CSV report by selecting which data columns to be included and filter out the unnecessary data.

Exporting report may take time and is highly depends on how much data you generate.

Terms and Definitions

Group Table

Group table is a way to categorize the combination of Metrics and Segments.

Not every Metric can be combined with every Segment. Each metric has a scope, e.g. document-level or label-level. In most cases, it only makes sense to combine attributes that share the same scope.

For example:

  • Time spent (in Time spent table group) is a document-level metric so it can only be used up to document-level granularity segment like document name. It would not be logical to combine with label segment.

  • Labels applied (in Labeling table group) is a label-level metric and it can be combined with label type segment, which cannot be calculated together with effective time spent.

  • Progress table is a dedicated group intended to capture the completion progress for each project type. It uses a document-level granularity segment, providing a scoped result for the report.

That's why Group Table exists, i.e. to make sure the column combinations are valid.


Metrics are quantitative measurements of data in relation to a specific segment. To see the detailed of each metric, you can hover it and see the hint that will be shown on the right side of it. On the report, metric columns will be placed last.


Segments are ways to view and classify the quantitative data. It's basically a list of columns that will used as a base reference when calculating the metrics. Again, you can hover each segment to get a more detailed explanation. On the report, segment columns will be placed first before the metrics.


It's optional but highly recommended to filter out unnecessary data to make your report more specific and speed up the report generation process. You can only filter the data by Segments. Regardless of what segment you select in the report, you can always filter the report by all segments.

How to Generate a Report

  1. Click the Configure button.

  2. Select a group table.

  3. Select columns for both metrics and segments.

  4. Filter the date if needed.

  5. Click Save.

  6. A preview of the data will be generated for you. Please note that this is just a preview that consists of dummy data. Use this preview to see and make sure you have the correct table structure of your report.

  7. Click on the "Export to Email" option to send the report to your email inbox.

  8. Alternatively, click on the "Download" button to obtain the report directly to your device.

Last updated